2-Building a Continent
Here is our second full grid of the semester. We are strategy-smashing our usage of Mastery Learning with the grid and the principles of Project Based Learning with your Continental Design project.
(1) Only Update your Name
Changing other information will result in a meeting with the teacher
(2) Use the Color Coding System to Communicate
GREEN = This Level is 100% DONE and I have moved forward!
BLUE = This Level is what I am currently working on!
ORANGE = I need a Teacher Signature
YELLOW = I have a question, but it can wait if you are busy!
RED = I have a question & can NOT move forward without help!
Level 5
I can design a compelling advertisement showcasing my continent's unique geographic features.

Want to go above and beyond? Create a promotional video recruiting people to move to your continent!
Create a two-minute promotional advertisement explaining why people should start their lives anew in the new land you have created.
In terms of assessing your video, I will be looking for the following elements:
A. Do you explicitly highlight some pull factors that would attract people to your new paradise?
B. Do you implicitly explore some push factors which may cause people to leave their current home?
C. Is your video visually appealing and/or entertaining making me think about moving to your new land?
Note : You will not receive credit for this until your video is submitted via Google Classroom.
BADGE EARNED upon completion of the proposed project!
Grab Your Badge ​& Request a Selfie!
Level 4
I can present my continent with our audiences through models and other visuals and engaging storytelling.

Wrapping Up Your Project
You are going to ensure your three maps, and environmental model meet the requirements of the project rubric shared on Day 1!
Your three maps: Physical, Political, and Thematic must be able to be interpreted without your assistance to an audience.
Your model must include a museum-style exhibit plaque describing the area of your continental environment we are looking at.
Grab Your Badge
​& Request a Selfie!
Level 3
I can research different environments and decide how to use natural resources wisely to protect the environment.
Revisit your answer from D4. As you begin creating your political map. Think about how the arrival of humans will potentially disrupt your environment.
You are going to design a sustainability strategy to ensure that any human-environment interaction is as minimally-destructive/ intrusive as possible.
(Document Template on Google Classroom)
You are going to research and write a 5-paragraph essay discussing the benefits and drawbacks of Environmental Sustainability.
(Google Classroom)
Vocab Megatest (L1 and L2 Combo).
Submit a draft of your group's political map.
Check-in with Rimmey:
Individual: Essay Feedback
Group: Political Map Feedback
If > 80% on Test:
Badge Earned!
Update your tracker, get a signature & your badge!
Do you want a selfie to celebrate?
Level 2
I can identify and explain factors which cause people to move to and/or from a new geographic location.

2. Video: Population Pyramids
(Note Guide in Pocket ?)
3. Group: Analyzing Global Population Pyramids
(Note Guide in Pocket ?)
2. Push or Pull Factor Analysis
(Pocket 10)
3. Group: What are some pull factors that could incentivize people moving to your continent?
What are pushes you would like to avoid?
2. Rotation Analysis: Refugee Stories
(Pocket 11)
2. Check-in:
Individual: Note Guides
Group: Draft of Thematic Map
If > 80% on quiz:
Badge Earned! Update your tracker, get a signature & your badge!
Do you want a selfie to celebrate?
Level 1
I can identify and explore simple geographic features and describe how they create unique biomes.