0-Learning about Grids!
This introductory grid will be how we start the semester. The primary goal is to not only introduce students to the routines we will work through on a daily basis for the entire year, but how we will measure their growth and success throughout the class!
(1) Only Update your Name
Changing other information will result in a meeting with the teacher
(2) Use the Color Coding System to Communicate
GREEN = This Level is 100% DONE and I have moved forward!
BLUE = This Level is what I am currently working on!
ORANGE = I need a Teacher Signature
YELLOW = I have a question, but it can wait if you are busy!
RED = I have a question & can NOT move forward without help!
Level 5
I am excited to educate my community now that I am an expert!

Don't keep this learning all to yourself!
It is time to share out all that you've learned, but how is up to you!
In Level 5, you will need to submit a proposal of how you intend to share what you've learned about mastery learning and/or a growth mindset. In your proposal you must include:
(1) Your Goal for this Activity,
(2) The length you think it will take for you to complete your goal, and
(3) Why you like this project.
Note : All projects must have a final project to turn in via Google Classroom.
BADGE EARNED upon completion of the proposed project!
Grab Your Badge ​& Request a Selfie!
Level 4
I understand how those around me have helped me be a successful student!

It’s time to say THANK YOU to who has supported you until this point!
Design & Create a "Thank You" video for a past teacher, a parent, a para, or someone who has been instrumental in setting you up to be successful!
Explain why you're excited to start the year and thank them for positively impacting your success!
Grab Your Badge
​& Request a Selfie!
Level 3
I understand the Retake Policy and how my growth as a whole student is the focus of my time in this class!

Why do we have them?
When should you use them?
Summarize + Reflect on the Retake Policy
You will answer two questions via Google Classroom.
The Growth Mindset
Growth Mindset Cootie Catcher/Fortune Teller
You are going to get a cootie catcher page from the file hanger, and you can read the instructions on how to make one (if you never have): here!
Test Time!
Tests have the same rules as Quizzes--If you need a refresher click here!
Find the level 3 test assignment on Classroom, send Rimmey a private message to let him know you need the code!
If > 80% on Test:
Badge Earned!
Update your tracker, get a signature & your badge!
Do you want a selfie to celebrate?
Level 2
I understand the grading scale and am able to log into the supportive Tech Tools for this class.

Info Survey
You are going to use your first SchoolAI space to answer a few questions about you, how you like to learn, and what help I may be able to offer you. This information is only shared with me!
The link to your classes' specific space is posted on Google Classroom.
Once you are ready for this, come ask Rimmey for the color assessment handout.
If you are ready for this, and you don't have your iPad yet, you can skip it for now and return when you've got it!
Can you access the textbook?
Pick Two to Complete:
Come grab a teacher signature at the end of this section!
Quiz Time
Find the level 2 quiz assignment on Classroom, once you are situated, send Rimmey a private message to let him know you need the code!
If > 80% on quiz:
Badge Earned! Update your tracker, get a signature & your badge!
Do you want a selfie to celebrate?
Level 1
I can understand the aspects of a Grid I will be utilizing for the rest of the School Year!

Add Your Name + Update Your Colors!
Color Practice
Complete the assignment in Snorkl as shared on Google Classroom
Check with a neighbor who's done, and then come get a Teacher Signature!