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Unit 0-Mastering the Grid & a Growth Mindset!

This introductory grid will be how we start the semester. The primary goal is to not only introduce students to the routines we will work through on a daily basis for the entire year, but how we will measure their growth and success throughout the class!



(1) Only Update your Name

Changing other information will result in a meeting with the teacher

(2) Use the Color Coding System to Communicate

GREEN = This Level is 100% DONE and I have moved forward!

BLUE = This Level is what I am currently working on!

ORANGE = I need a Teacher Signature

YELLOW = I have a question, but it can wait if you are busy!

RED = I have a question & can NOT move forward without help!

Level 4: I am excited to educate my community now that I am an expert!

To showcase your mastery for Level 4, you will need to submit two things on Google Classroom:

  1. A poster (designed with the digital tool of your choice) highlighting either your favorite elements of learning at your own pace or the benefits of a growth mindset.

  2. The "design I desire" survey on Google Classroom to help Rimmey best prioritize the choice units for the larger 2/3 of the semester.

Level 3: I can compare and contrast a fixed mindset with a growth mindset, and explain the benefits of a growth mindset.

Level 2: I can explain the grading scale and I can log into the supportive Tech Tools for this class. 

Level 1: I can understand the aspects of a Grid I will be utilizing for the rest of the semester!

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